SRB Technologies, Inc. (SRB) is the World leader in Self-Powered Emergency
Lighting and Self Powered Exit Signs. The company was the original commercial
developer of the Self Powered Tritium Light Source during the 1960's.
Its focus at that time was developing Self Luminous Lighting Systems for the Military and the
Aerospace industry. It was soon recognized this failsafe Tritium Light Source would have
enormous benefits in the area of Emergency Lighting in buildings, and so the
Self Powered Exit Sign was developed that used Tritium Light Sources.
After successfully selling the product around the World, SRB entered the Emergency
Lighting market in the United States in the late 1970's to sell Tritium Exit Signs.
Today, SRB's Luminexit and Betalux tritium exit signs can be found in hotels, schools,
airports, shopping malls, commercial and industrial buildings. |